GenXican: The Podcast
A podcast by real life GenXicans @saldanation @undercovermexi (but you don't have to be one to listen.) We really do exist, despite the lack of meme representation, and we're here to disrupt the airwaves. Co-hosts Alexandra M. Landeros and David Saldaña first met in the early 2000s as part of The VORTEX theatre company in Austin, Texas.
GenXican: The Podcast
Fears in the 80s: Nuclear War, Drugs, and El Cucuy
Co-Hosts: David Saldaña & Alexandra M. Landeros
Season 1
Episode 1
Latinx GenX'ers and older Millennials growing up in the 1980s not only had to worry about nuclear war and the war on drugs, but we also had to contend with El Cucuy and other things that kept us awake at night. Join David Saldaña and Alexandra Maria Landeros for a deep conversation about all things escarrry from our childhoods. (Trigger/Content Warning: episode touches on various aspects of dealing with mental health issues.)