GenXican: The Podcast
A podcast by real life GenXicans @saldanation @undercovermexi (but you don't have to be one to listen.) We really do exist, despite the lack of meme representation, and we're here to disrupt the airwaves. Co-hosts Alexandra M. Landeros and David Saldaña first met in the early 2000s as part of The VORTEX theatre company in Austin, Texas.
12 episodes
The Forgotten Generation: Why We Never Grew Up
Some people say we're more like the Baby Boomers, some would say we're more like Millennials. Then again, it depends on where along the GenX spectrum we are. Are we on the older or younger end? Now throw in a cultural curve ball, growing up Mex...
Season 2
Episode 3
Pop Culture 40 Years After the 80s: Bangers, Bad Bunny, and OnlyFans
How much of 80s pop culture was fleeting, and why did some of it manage to survive? Will today’s pop culture still be around 40 years from now? Is Bad Bunny this generation’s Rick Astley? Is OnlyFans the new Friendster? Check out the latest ram...
Season 2
Episode 2
GenXicans and Their Stuff: Socks, Segways, and Bobbleheads
If you're a GenXican, you were probably raised by Boomers, the generation most likely to hoard. But maybe you're turning into a hoarder, too? Or are you a minimalist? Or somewhere in between? Where did all the segways from the early 2000s end u...
Season 2
Episode 1
GenXicans and Culture-Making in the Nuevo South
If you grew up in California or Texas, your experience of Latinx culture might be a bit different from those of you who grew up in the "The Nuevo South"... in places like Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina.
Season 1
Episode 9
GenXicans Adore Ferris Bueller…Or Do They?
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” If you know that quote, it’s because you watched Ferris Bueller’s Day Off hundreds of times on a VHS bootleg copy. Was he your hero? Or did you hate...
Season 1
Episode 8
How Queso & Not Enough Frijoles Killed Our Guts
Dealing with heartburn, bloating, stomach cramps, and less than desirable poops? Well, we don’t have the cure, but the co-hosts of GenXican will tell you that queso, not enough fiber, and the crap food you ate in your youth most likely killed y...
Season 1
Episode 7
GenXicans Debate: Which Version Are We Anyway?
So, we share the collective identity of being GenXican, which is what you get when you cross a Mexican American with a GenXer. But which VERSION are we? 1.0, 1.25, 1.75, 2.0, 3.0, etc.? Do you start counting with the generation that moved to th...
Season 1
Episode 6
Avoiding the Pinche Covid on Vacation
Do you remember back in the day when it used to be fun getting sick? You get to stay home from school, watch daytime soap operas and reruns all day, and raiding the kitchen for Jell-o Pudding Cups and Funyuns, getting special treatment from la ...
Season 1
Episode 5
GenXicans Debate: Taco vs. Burrito
There's a lot that GenXicans have in common, but are they on the same page on whether they prefer the taco vs. the burrito? What about corn vs. flour? Crispy vs. crunchy? What makes the perfect taco or burrito? Is it ok to eat either with utens...
Season 1
Episode 4
Parenting: Is That All You’re Gonna Eat, Mijx?
What foods did you grow up eating in the 1980s? Did your Mexican or Hispanic household have any fresh veggies besides tomato, lechuga, onion, elotes, and chiles? Did you survive on microwaved pizza and sugary cereals? Would you feed your kids t...
Season 1
Episode 3