GenXican: The Podcast
A podcast by real life GenXicans @saldanation @undercovermexi (but you don't have to be one to listen.) We really do exist, despite the lack of meme representation, and we're here to disrupt the airwaves. Co-hosts Alexandra M. Landeros and David Saldaña first met in the early 2000s as part of The VORTEX theatre company in Austin, Texas.
GenXican: The Podcast
Pop Culture 40 Years After the 80s: Bangers, Bad Bunny, and OnlyFans
Co-Hosts: David Saldaña & Alexandra M. Landeros
Season 2
Episode 2
How much of 80s pop culture was fleeting, and why did some of it manage to survive? Will today’s pop culture still be around 40 years from now? Is Bad Bunny this generation’s Rick Astley? Is OnlyFans the new Friendster? Check out the latest ramblings by David Saldaña and Alexandra Maria Landeros, as they go down the rabbit hole of Bad Bunny and discuss whether GenX and GenZ might have more in common than we think.