GenXican: The Podcast
A podcast by real life GenXicans @saldanation @undercovermexi (but you don't have to be one to listen.) We really do exist, despite the lack of meme representation, and we're here to disrupt the airwaves. Co-hosts Alexandra M. Landeros and David Saldaña first met in the early 2000s as part of The VORTEX theatre company in Austin, Texas.
GenXican: The Podcast
The Forgotten Generation: Why We Never Grew Up
Co-Hosts: David Saldaña & Alexandra M. Landeros
Season 2
Episode 3
Some people say we're more like the Baby Boomers, some would say we're more like Millennials. Then again, it depends on where along the GenX spectrum we are. Are we on the older or younger end? Now throw in a cultural curve ball, growing up Mexican American, also existing on a cultural spectrum. No wonder we're so confused about who we are. Does anyone even care? Is this why we have struggled so much growing up and navigating adult life? Listen to our latest episode. You may or may not get the answers you were looking for.