GenXican: The Podcast
A podcast by real life GenXicans @saldanation @undercovermexi (but you don't have to be one to listen.) We really do exist, despite the lack of meme representation, and we're here to disrupt the airwaves. Co-hosts Alexandra M. Landeros and David Saldaña first met in the early 2000s as part of The VORTEX theatre company in Austin, Texas.
GenXican: The Podcast
How Queso & Not Enough Frijoles Killed Our Guts
Co-Hosts: David Saldaña & Alexandra M. Landeros
Season 1
Episode 7
Dealing with heartburn, bloating, stomach cramps, and less than desirable poops? Well, we don’t have the cure, but the co-hosts of GenXican will tell you that queso, not enough fiber, and the crap food you ate in your youth most likely killed your gut. The good news is that if you were born in 1977 or earlier, you are now old enough for a colonoscopy. Welcome to club! And eat more frijoles.